Mount And Blade Rebellion

2020. 1. 24. 04:06카테고리 없음

Mount And Blade Rebellion
  1. Mount And Blade Rebellion

I am playing Mount & Blade: Warband on easy difficulty, forced saving when exiting and have no mods installed. Currently I am the marshal of Swadia, I am on good terms with the king (approx. 60), I have some 25 000 denars and the kingdom of Rhodoks has fallen, mostly by my doing.

Mount And Blade Rebellion

Recently, I rebelled against my army and I took over a bunch of castles and towns. Well, I was just wondering if you could recruit lords or vassals into your rebellion.

I aspire to become king, and from what I have read, one should seek to control at least a couple towns and a small handful of castles. However, due to different re-conquerings back and forth, even though I took most of Rhodoks, I do not control it. I control only two castles and about a dozen villages. Does one keep villages in a rebellion even though the associated town or castle belongs to the enemy? And are they an acceptable substitute to towns?


Advice is much appreciated. I'm not sure I understand the question quite well, but I'll try to answer the way I did understand it. You can't control all of the castles and towns you capture until you rebel from your lord and make your own state. The king will only give you a portion of everything you seise in wars and divide the rest with the other lords. When you rebel, you get to keep everything you own at the moment, but you'll have to defend it against the former liege (He will try to retake them).

Hope I helped!EDIT: The villages always follow the castle owner or a town owner. If a nation takes a castle, all of the villages belonging to the castle also switch sides. Thank you @Djokoan, you answered the first half of my question. Let me explain. When Jelbegi castle is captured the village of Jelbegi “follows” the castle and falls to the invader.

I wondered: if I were to control Jelbegi, yet not Jelbegi castle, would the village then remain under my control during a rebellion, or would it “follow” the castle and remain part of Swadia. Form what you have written I gather it would remain under my control, correct me if I am wrong. The other half of my question concerns whether a certain number of villages would be equally useful during a rebellion as a town.–May 27 at 17:52.

I was a vassal of the Kingdom of Nords. With my help, they were getting too powerful, too fast. I have Floris, and with that mod it seems you can just go up to the faction leader and tell him you want to leave. You lose a ton of rep if you tell him you're keeping your lands.King Ragnar hates me so much right now lol but he's locked up in my prison tower in Tevarin castle, along with 5 of this other friends, muah hahaha.

My relation with kingdom of the nords is -110 lolBefore defeating him in battle, I tried to make peace with them. He told me to go trip on my sword!

Mount And Blade Rebellion